Tuesday, December 28, 2010

HD2 data.img resize

This can be done with any data.img... even existing one one.
Boot phone in windows mobile. attach to linux box(linux computer or live cd) in disk mode(when u attach hd2 to computer it will ask mode,select disk mode).
go to terminal.
go to the /media
then go to the directory which represents your hd2 phone, then to android directory.
then enter following commands

e2fsck -f data.img
(if it asks to fix say y)

resize2fs -p data.img 512000
(this is for half gb, change it as per requirement)

e2fsck -f data.img

Then reboot the phone.
You may see green screen. if so, simply reboot again.
works like a charm.
no need to download huge file. can be done with a used data.img at any time and any number of times.